RESTART is among the organizers of “5G & Co. 2024. Everything is connected”, the title chosen for the sixth edition of 5G Italy, the international conference promoted and organized by CNIT (National Interuniversity Consortium for Telecommunications) on the issues of 5G and its many areas of application. A format developed this year on two parallel events: 5G&CO – the traditional
As the result of the Cascade Call selection process, seven new partners joined the RESTART structural project S2 – SUPER, part of Spoke 4 – Programmable Networks for Future Services and Media: Meetecho Nextworks S.r.l. Sma-RTy Università degli Studi di Brescia Università degli Studi di Modena e Reggio Emilia Università degli Studi di Palermo Università di Pisa An online project
The evaluation process of one of the cascade calls provided by RESTART Spoke 6 – Innovative Architectures and Extreme Environments has been concluded: the University of Catania, Spoke coordinator, has selected the project proposal with acronym “VOLTA”. The proposal includes 2 universities and 5 companies, for a total of 7 partners, that will contribute to the development of the activities
The PhD Summer School of Information Engineering – SSIE 2024 is the official Summer School of RESTART structural project S8 – PESCO. Co-organized by the Department of Information Engineering (DEI) at the University of Padova, and the IEEE Italy section, SSIE will take place in Bressanone/Brixen, Italy, on July 8th-12th. This year, the school will have two tracks: Track 1 focusing
The evaluation process of the cascade calls envisaged by RESTART Spoke 4 – Programmable Networks for Future Services and Media – coordinated by Politecnico di Torino has been concluded. Two types of calls: one reserved for companies and another aimed at public universities and public research organizations supervised by the MUR. The objective is to help promote the activities of
The RESTART program, under Mission 5 – Education & Training, aims to strengthen the public speaking skills of University teachers. For this reason, the 1st RESTART workshop on Soft Skills for Universities: the art of public speaking was organized. The event, a Soft Skill 4 Edu (S24E) initiative, will be held in attendance in Bologna on June 25th-26th, 2024, at
The European Union (EU) has always been sensitive in advancing initiatives aimed at facilitating gender equality, particularly in identifying pathways aimed at understanding the causes of the disparities that still exist at the workplace level between men and women. In order to respond to the need to identify concrete actions for the achievement of useful objectives to strengthen opportunities and
The evaluation process of one of the cascade calls provided by RESTART Spoke 6 – Innovative Architectures and Extreme Environments has been concluded: the University of Catania, Spoke coordinator, has selected the project proposal with acronym “EMBRACE”. The proposal includes 9 universities and 1 company, for a total of 10 partners, that will contribute to the development of the activities
A dissemination workshop organized by RESTART structural project S2 – SUPER, part of Spoke 4 and focusing on Programmable Networks for Future Services and Media, was held on February 14, 2024 in the beautiful Marconi conference room at the CNR headquarter in Rome. Representatives from academic and industrial partners gathered to present the current status of project activities and discuss
RESTART – “RESearch and innovation on future Telecommunications systems and networks, to make Italy more smART” partners met in Bologna on January 30 and 31 at the Plenary Dissemination Workshop, a public event to present the results obtained during the first year of activity and collegially define future initiatives. RESTART is funded by the European Union – NextGenerationEU under the