Cascade Calls implemented by RESTART are being published on RESTART Foundation website! More than 32.4 million euros will support Fundamental Research, Industrial Research, Experimental Development and Feasibility Studies projects through the provision of appropriate funding. Find out more on CASCADE CALLS. Open calls: consult the CASCADE CALLS page. Closed calls: SPOKE 1 – PERVASIVE AND PHOTONIC NETWORK TECHNOLOGIES AND INFRASTRUCTURES | Coordinatore: Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche SPOKE 2 – INTEGRATION OF NETWORKS AND
The RESTART Foundation is pleased to announce the appointment of Dr. Adele Del Bello as Director General and Program Manager.
Selection Call No. 1/23 for the recruitment of a General Manager/Programme Research Manager expired on February 8, 2023. The selection process will now move into the phase of evaluating and choosing the best candidate for the position. All updates on the status of the process will be posted regularly on the RESTART Foundation website at the following link:
The selections for a General Director/Programme Research Manager are open. The aforementioned figure will be responsible for the development and implementation of research programs aimed at achieving the strategic objectives of the RESTART program. Selection: JOBS/CAREER Deadline: February 8, 2023