RESTART at 6G Symposium | Washington

RESTART at 6G Symposium | Washington

RESTART will be present at the 6G Symposium 2023 “Beyond the hype”, to be held in Washington D.C. on October 18-19th, 2023.  Professor Nicola Blefari Melazzi, RESTART Foundation President, will be amongst the speakers of the panel “Academic & Industry Collaboration Developing 6G: What Works & What Doesn’t?”, on October 18th, 2023.  The event will gather people shaping the industry,

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RESTART at ITC 35th – Networked Systems and Services

RESTART at ITC 35th – Networked Systems and Services

RESTART Foundation President Professor Nicola Blefari Melazzi will be amongst the keynote speakers at the International Teletraffic Congress ITC 35th, to be held on 3-5 October 2023 at Politecnico di Torino.  The 35th edition of the international congress in the field of networking science and practice – dis­cussing the latest technical advances in the broad areas of teletraffic models, network

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RESTART present to the event Research and education in the digital transition society | 22 September, Naples

RESTART present to the event Research and education in the digital transition society | 22 September, Naples

The research and development program RESTART will be present at the Joint Assembly of the Board of Directors and the College of Facility Directors of CINI – National Interuniversity Consortium for Informatics, to be held at the San Giovanni a Teduccio Complex of the University of Naples Federico II. PNRR assigns digital transition a strategic role for the country’s growth.

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RESTART at GTTI annual meeting | September 11-13, Rome (Italy)

RESTART at GTTI annual meeting | September 11-13, Rome (Italy)

RESTART will be present at the annual meeting of the Telecommunications and Information Technology Group (GTTI) Association to be held in Rome on September 11-13, 2023, organized in collaboration between Roma La Sapienza University, Roma Tor Vergata and Roma Tre. RESTART will specifically participate in two sessions, in collaboration with CNIT, dedicated to an in-depth study on the theme of

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RESTART Tech Camp on 5G and Open RAN | September 13-15, Rome (Italy)

RESTART Tech Camp on 5G and Open RAN | September 13-15, Rome (Italy)

Researchers engaged in the wireless network experimentation have now unprecedented opportunities thanks to significant advancements in hardware and software.  Accessible software-defined radios and softwarized stacks have revolutionized the practicality of experimenting with real-life wireless networks, empowering researchers to practically test cutting-edge solutions in a realistic environment. The 1st RESTART Tech Camp on 5G and Open RAN, that takes place in

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RESTART presents results and future of the Program to the national Telecommunications community

RESTART presents results and future of the Program to the national Telecommunications community

At the Plenary Dissemination Workshop, held in Bari, Italy on July 20 and 21, RESTART presented to the national telecommunications community – academia, research organizations, industry in the sector and users – the progress of its work. Six months after the launch of the program – funded by the European Union – NextGenerationEU under the PNRR – M4C2, Investment 1.3,

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RESTART Plenary Dissemination Workshop | July 20-21, Bari (Italy)

RESTART Plenary Dissemination Workshop | July 20-21, Bari (Italy)

Research and development program RESTART,  “RESearch and innovation on future Telecommunications systems and networks, to make Italy more smart,” is pleased to invite the national community involved in Telecommunications (academia, research institutions, industries in the sector and users) to the Plenary Dissemination Workshop to be held in Bari, Italy, on July 20-21, 2023: a public event where the results achieved

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RESTART Technical Sponsor of The First International ACM MobiHoc Workshop on the Integration between Distributed Machine Learning and the Internet of Things (AIoT)

RESTART Technical Sponsor of The First International ACM MobiHoc Workshop on the Integration between Distributed Machine Learning and the Internet of Things (AIoT)

RESTART is Technical Sponsor of The First International ACM MobiHoc Workshop on the Integration between Distributed Machine Learning and the Internet of Things (AIoT). The Workshop is meant to gather new ideas, contributions, and experiences on the integration of Distributed and Federated Machine Learning with long-range IoT systems.  The workshop solicits original papers dealing with the open challenges in the

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RESTART Technical Sponsor of PhD Summer School of Information Engineering – SSIE 2023

RESTART Technical Sponsor of PhD Summer School of Information Engineering – SSIE 2023

RESTART is Technical Sponsor of the SSIE Summer PhD School of Information Engineering 2023, co-organized by the Department of Information Engineering at Università degli Studi di Padova, and the IEEE Italy Section. SSIE will take place exclusively in presence in Brixen, Italy, on July 10th-14th, continuing on a decades-long tradition. This year the program has been carefully shaped to incorporate

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