Tales from the Plenary Dissemination Workshop of Palermo – The voices of the young researchers of RESTART
The University of Palermo, partner of the RESTART program entered through Cascade Calls, hosted the Plenary Dissemination Workshop ‘Innovation to lead the future’ last 30 and 31 January. Two intense days dedicated to taking stock of the activities carried out and defining the future strategies of the RESTART Research and Development Program.
Young researchers from all over Italy actively participated in the event, presenting their research projects through Posters & Demos and taking part in the competition that awarded the Best Scientific Contribution and the Best Impact Contribution.
The testimonies of the RESTART young researchers, interviewed during the Plenary Dissemination Workshop, offered a dynamic and innovative perspective on the research topics addressed and their potential impact on society. The young talents emphasised how RESTART represents a valuable opportunity for growth and development in the telecommunications sector.
Among the topics discussed were artificial intelligence applied to the protection of wildlife and National Parks, monitoring and development of new technologies for network security, and the new frontiers of 5G. The projects presented by the RESTART researchers demonstrate the Programme’s commitment to promoting research of excellence, capable of generating a concrete impact on the reality that surrounds us.
Don’t miss the interviews filmed in Palermo with Chiara Rubaltelli and Mengyao Lì, researchers at the Politecnico di Milano, and Francesco Mancini, researcher at the laboratory NAM Lab of CNIT by the University of Rome Tor Vergata.