Notice of selection for the recruitment of No. 5 “Experienced Management Operators” for the RESTART Foundation

/ December 17, 2024/ News, Notices

The public call for applications aimed at hiring n.5 “Experienced Management Operators for RESTART Foundation, including 2 full-time and 3 part-time with a maximum percentage of 75% of full-time, is online.

The required professionals should demonstrate well-established skills in management control, reporting activities, but also cost control and monitoring of national and European projects.

Contract duration: 12 months with the possibility of extension for an additional 12 months if legal requirements are met (for full-time figures); 6 months, with the possibility of extension for an additional 6 months if legal requirements are met (for part-time figures).

Application deadline: January 16th, 2025 (11 p.m.)

Selection Notice: CALLS AND NOTICES

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