RESTART roadshow “Connect tomorrow, design the future” kicked off in Politecnico di Torino
Projecting towards a future driven by innovation and technology: this is the goal of the new initiative promoted by RESTART, aimed at new generations of students to inspire and guide their university choices. This is the national roadshow “Connect tomorrow, design the future”, a multi-stage event that until next April, will touch some of the main RESTART partner universities.
One of the fundamental objectives of the RESTART program is to implement strategic actions to support the training of young engineers and to increase the supply of human resources in a sector that offers great career opportunities
underlined Nicola Blefari Melazzi, President of the RESTART Foundation, who strongly believes in this initiative for the impact it can have on young people throughout Italy.
Politecnico di Torino was chosen for the first stage, which coordinates the communication and dissemination of the program: here, on the stage of the Aula Magna, where over 400 high school students were present, numerous prominent figures spoke today to bring their stories to the attention of the public, success stories capable of inspiring and guiding future generations of university students. The event was in fact conceived as a motivational format, involving Walter Rolfo – engineer, coach and author – in the conduction, who, using an emotional and engaging language, accompanied by video and musical contributions, showed the young audience how to dream big to design, together, a future in which to leave a mark.
And then, introduced by the Vice-Rector for Education of Politecnico di Torino Fulvio Corno and by Professor Carla Fabiana Chiasserini, RESTART Mission 7 coordiantor, Amalia Ercoli Finzi, one of the most important personalities in the world in the field of aerospace science and technology, took the floor, speaking on stage alongside her daughter, Elvina Finzi, nuclear engineer, together with whom she inspired the audience to the “moral duty” of realizing their dreams, and directing women towards engineering careers; the PhD student of the Department of Electronics and Telecommunications-DET of Politecnico di Torino Anna Mauro, who at just 25 years old founded the start up ORiS to bring energy to the moon and is part of the Forbes Italia Under 30 list; the DET researcher and “earthquake hunter” Emanuele Virgillito, who studies how to transform optical networks into microphones to perceive catastrophic natural events such as earthquakes; Marco Boglione, founder of BasicNet, a company that owns famous brands such as Robe di Kappa, whose successful entrepreneurial story was a great example for the students present, invited to take advantage of technological progress to nourish a constructive imagination. And again, Christopher Castellini, defined as the “Stephen Hawking of magic”, who combines illusionism and profound reflections on the meaning of life, recounted their experiences, demonstrating that true limits exist only in our mind.
At the end of the meeting, Gabriella Olmo, professor at DAUIN Department of Politecnico di Torino and a surgeon, spoke and, in dialogue with Emilia Parodi, Director of the Department of Pediatrics and Neonatology at the Mauriziano Hospital in Turin, illustrated how technology can help those who cannot express pain, such as newborns or people with disabilities.
Photos by Alberto Chiariglione
We are very proud as Politecnico di Torino to have managed to realize an initiative like the RESTART road show
– declared Professor Carla Fabiana Chiasserini –
Our university boasts a long tradition in Telecommunications engineering courses and we believe it is important to promote them also at a national level. Thanks to this initiative we will give the main Italian universities the opportunity to inspire university choices through the stories of Telecommunications engineers, but above all of people who believed in innovation and technology to give meaning to their future.
Next stop, on February 25th at Politecnico di Bari: speaking with the public will be, among others, Mariarita Costanza, co-founder and CTO of the IT, electronics and telecommunications company Macnil and co-founder and CEO of the benefit company Everywhere, Francesca Portincasa, Director of the Apulian Aqueduct and Attilio Guarin, Head of Hematology and Cellular Therapy at the “Giovanni Paolo II” Tumor Institute.
From here, the event will continue, on February 27th, at the University of Rome “Tor Vergata”, with guests such as Carmen Luisa Bucci, Broadcast Engineer at RAI, Settimio Pavoncello, Telecommunications Engineer at ARPA Lazio, Giuseppe Bianchi, Professor at the University of Rome Tor Vergata and Sara Turco, Communication Technologies Engineer at Enel Grids.
The other scheduled events will be on March 12 at the University of Genoa, on April 1 at the University of Palermo, on April 8 at the University of Trento, on April 11 at the Mediterranean University of Reggio Calabria and on April 15 at the University of Naples Federico II.