Registration open for the Short Master on “Management of Terrestrial and Non-Terrestrial network infrastructures” of Spoke 2 – Politecnico di Bari

/ October 23, 2024/ News, Notices

Politecnico di Bari, as part of RESTART Spoke 2 activities, is organizing a Short Master on “Management of Terrestrial and Non-Terrestrial network infrastructures” for the 2024/25 academic year.

The Short Master aims to enrich knowledge in the management of integrated terrestrial and nonterrestrial networks, offering potential solutions for the upcoming 6G era.

The Short Master’s program is open to those who have already earned a master’s degree or have at least one year of professional experience by the deadline of  the call. Application deadlines have reopened: applications must be received by 11:59 p.m. on 15/01/2025.

For doctoral students, research fellows, researchers and professors from institutions affiliated with the RESTART partnership, as well as employees of affiliated companies, spin-offs and start-ups, there is no registration fee. For all those outside the RESTART partnership, there is a competition tax of €30.00 a registration fee of €250.00.

All detailed information for responding to the call for applications is available at the following page


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