2nd RESTART Tech Camp on 5G and Open RAN | September 9-12, Milan (Italy)

/ August 10, 2024/ Events, News

RESTART is pleased to announce that the 2nd RESTART Tech Camp on 5G and Open RAN will take place at Politecnico di Milano (Milan, Italy) on September 9th-12th, 2024

Following the success of the first edition, which brought together more than 100 participants from academia and industry, the second edition will try to make things even better, adding an extra day to the schedule to host more engaging sessions, as well as a poster and demo session.

The event stands apart from traditional venues, aiming to create a collaborative space where PhD students, researchers and industry professionals can meet on neutral ground to experiment, brainstorm, exchange ideas and, most importantly, network. Every participant will have the opportunity to actively contribute to the event. 

There will be a session on software-defined radios and smart radio devices for 5G and beyond with National Instruments, TMYTech, Pi Radio and Keysight. The sessions on software for wireless networks will explore practical experimentation with non-terrestrial networks and include a focus on security, featuring contributions from OpenAirInterface, Google and NYU Abu Dhabi. Additionally, there will be an interactive session on data science for wireless networks, with contributions from the University of Bergamo, Northeastern University, and Vodafone.

For more information and registrations, visit the Tech Camp website.
You can find the detailed program of the event at the following page.
To contact the organizers, send an email to 5g.tech.camps@fondazione-restart.it
Event venue: Aula 5.02 – Piano Terra – Edificio 5 – Politecnico di Milano – Piazza Leonardo da Vinci, 32.

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