Tales from the Plenary Dissemination Workshop – The voices of RESTART young researchers

/ August 8, 2024/ News, Other news

Last July 4th-5th, the University of Catania – coordinator of Spoke 6 – Innovative Architectures and Extreme Environments – hosted RESTART Plenary Dissemination Workshop: two intense days of activities to take stock at the “midterm” of what the RESTART Program has achieved so far and, above all, to project toward the future of the actions that will be launched in the upcoming months.

Many young researchers took part in the two-day event, either through poster & demo presentations, or participation in the competitive initiative that awarded Best Scientific Contribution and Best Impact Contribution, or as active listeners to the sessions and panels that enlivened the program of activities.

Interviewed on this occasion, RESTART young researchers talked about their experience within the program, offering a young and dynamic perspective on the content of their research and the real impact it may have on society.

Digital Twin and Intent-based networking, energy consumption of 5G networks, seamless communication and telecommunications at the service of cultural heritage are just some of the topics covered by the projects on which RESTART researchers are working: a mixture of interdisciplinary skills and knowledge, synergistically placed at the service of each other, with the important goal of producing significant impacts on the reality around us.  

Finally, it is the networking opportunities – the chance to get to know and engage with colleagues and associates from other Italian entities in order to broaden one’s horizons and find new insights to pursue one’s research – and the opportunity to work with complex, state-of-the-art instrumentation that are the main qualities emphasized by the interviewees in their account of their experience so far within the RESTART program.

Watch the interviews:

  • Alessandra Dino, PhD student at Università degli Studi di Palermo: VIDEO
  • Federica De Trizio, PhD student at Politecnico di Bari: VIDEO
  • Sofia Montebugnoli, PhD student at Università degli Studi di Bologna: VIDEO
  • Lorenzo Maria Monteforte, researcher at Università di Roma “Tor Vergata”: VIDEO
  • Eugenio Moro, researcher at Politecnico di Milano: VIDEO
  • Maria Rosaria Re, researcher at Università di Roma “Tor Vergata”: VIDEO
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