More than 50 participants for the first edition of the ONI-CAV workshop
The first edition of the Open Network Intelligence for Connected and Autonomous Vehicles (ONI-CAV) workshop, held in Catania in conjunction with RESTART Plenary Dissemination Workshop, was attended by nearly 60 people in presence and 25 remotely connected.
The workshop, organized by the University of Catania, together with the Polytechnic University of Milan and the Polytechnic University of Turin, saw the contribution of several Italian universities and research centers, involved in several PNRR projects, including RESTART and the National MOST Center, creating an important networking opportunity.
Finally, the participation of several corporate entities allowed to outline the current state of development of Vehicle-to-Everything technology in next-generation networks.

ONI-CAV workshop organizers
A day full of activities to network and provide an overview of the current state of the art of connected and autonomous vehicles from both academic and industry perspectives.